Occupied Buildings

The pre-let forward funding development of a new Technology and Logistics Centre for Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Ltd, situated just eight miles from RRMC's HQ and principal UK assembly plant at Goodwood, West Sussex.

This facility, is used as a warehouse and distribution centre for inbound production parts, a car body store and finished car store with workshop for car preparation. In August 2016, the Company agreed to fund enhancement works to increase the overall floor area by c.97k sq ft to c.409k sq ft.

Steven Bell

Steven Bell

Property Manager, Tritax Big Box REIT

steven.bell@tritax.co.uk +44 (0)20 8051 5084
Martin Shaw

Martin Shaw

Asistant Fund Manager, Tritax Big Box REIT

martin.shaw@tritax.co.uk +44 (0)20 7290 1616

Other Spaces

Land Opportunities


The Site extends to a total of 134 acres gross and has the capacity to deliver up to 1.4m sq ft of logistics floor space

Land Opportunities

Intermodal Logistics Park North

221-acre site acquired for c.2.5 million sq ft logistics development and new strategic rail freight interchange (SRFI).

Land Opportunities


74 acres being promoted through the Leeds City Council Local Plan process.