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We are committed to having a positive socio-economic impact in the communities in which we own or are developing assets.

We focus our social impact investment on helping people to fulfil their potential through education and skills development. 

By working with clients and stakeholders – including our suppliers, industry bodies and charity partners – we provide platforms for education and opportunity that extend from primary school through to tertiary education and employment.

We target those most in need: opening opportunities to build skills through enriching experiences as they move through the education system. For older students, this includes raising awareness of logistics as an accessible career option (through career fairs and literature, site visits) – and supporting them through opportunities, including work experience and internships.

We have a five-year social impact plan that prioritises the communities in which our assets are based, with a focus on areas where unemployment and deprivation are a challenge. Our goal is to positively impact 250,000 young lives within the next five years.

To achieve this, we’re working with local schools and charity organisations that are focused on assisting social mobility through personal development opportunities, skills training and education, helping to foster skills that open access to logistics as a sector (and employment in general) – starting from primary school. 

We enjoy a long-standing relationship with Schoolreaders, a charity focused on improving child literacy for children of primary school age, for example – and plan to increase our outreach to schools that are already in their network.

Supporting children of secondary school age, we are a Silver Patron of The Prince’s Trust and are funding education programmes to help 11- to 16-year-olds experiencing challenges (including with mental health, insecure housing or economic uncertainty) to reach their full potential. These programmes will also provide access to, and information on, the opportunities within the logistics and real estate sector.

As part of our commitment to building a more diverse future workforce, we work with stakeholders (including industry bodies) to provide work placements and promote careers within the property and logistics sectors. This includes offering internships through the Reading University Pathways to Property Programme and partnering with Education and Employers to give children and young people insight into the different roles available.



By collaborating closely with communities, local government and other agencies we aspire to be a meaningful catalyst for positive social change.

Our focus over the next five years will be on enhancing these relationships, including through increased levels of employee volunteering and mentoring, and on working with our partners to accurately understand and measure the delivered impact.

The Tritax Social Impact Foundation has oversight of our charitable and social impact activities. As we implement our five-year plan, the Foundation will help us to report our achievements with clear KPIs and data that will demonstrate and measure our performance.

The Foundation provides governance for Tritax and all its funds/investment products around social value purpose, strategy and metrics. It reports to Tritax’s Operations Committee and ESG Committee and to Big Box’s (and each fund/product’s) Investment Committee.

Our commitment to delivering meaningful social impact is an integral part of our ESG strategy and aligns to UN Sustainable Development Goal SDGs 4, 8 and 10.